Monday, June 30, 2014

Carlos Trujillo Got A US Citizen Application Approved for a Client with 4 Prior DUI's [Immigration Law]

In a stroke of pure legal genius, attorney Carlos Trujillo received notice in today's mail that one of his clients, who had 4 prior DUI charges and convictions, was approved to become a United States Citizen.  Trujillo said, "It's unreal.  I mean, I've done some cases where there was one or two issues in the past, but this is truly a great sign.  I had to explain each charge and what the specific facts were around each case and explain how [our client] was such a person whose citizen application should be approved.  It was a lot of work and it payed off!"

Well said Mr. Trujillo.

If you have immigration questions or concerns, you should probably call attorney Carlos Trujillo, 801-676-5506.  He is working hard to get people legally in the U.S.  You should call him today to schedule your initial consultation.

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